Why protect your garden?
Have you ever had:
- Those friendly possums, raiding your garden at night?
- Birds and bats enjoying the delights of your fruit trees?
- Wandering bandicoots digging up your seedlings?
- Burrowing rabbits feeding on your plants?
- Not to mention those delightful brush turkeys…
…just to mention a few reasons to protect your gardens.
How do you Protect your garden?
Contact us for help and information – specific to your requirements!
Firstly, creating your garden
- Use recycled timber or use timber sleepers, rail way sleepers or hardwood timber sleepers, or pre made raised garden beds made from corrugated material, don’t use any treated pine if you are concerned about chemical leaching into the soil or touching the roots of the plants.
- Create a square or rectangle planter box / raised garden with timber sleepers.
- The height / depth of the garden can be just above ground level or raised to waist height. Waist height will save your back from too much bending. The garden can be located on a lawn, over concrete, or anywhere that’s receives sunshine. At least a few hours of sunlight per day.
- Once the garden is created, place dampened newspaper on the base of the garden bed. This suppresses weeds and grass infesting the garden bed.
- Fill the garden with a mixture of organic soil, blood and bone, compost, cow manure and organic pellets and place lucerne on top. The lucerne should be SOAKED in water first.
Netting materials
- Hardwood stakes or Star posts
- Bird netting
- Irrigation pipes used to create arches
- Pegs ( tent pegs )
- Ties for netting to be attached to arches
Netting over garden
Place hardwood stakes or Star posts in each corner of the garden. Place additional posts or stakes along the length of the garden.
Create arches with flexible irrigation pipe. The pipe is placed from one post/stake to another. Once all the arches are placed into position, roll out the netting and secure it to the arches with ties.
Ensure netting covers the whole garden with the netting at ground level fastened with tent pegs.
Entry to netted garden
There are two options we recommend.
First option
roll up the netting on one side of the garden to gain entry.
Second option
Create a small door frame out of recycled material and hang a small door for entry to the garden.
Once the netting is in place, plant seasonal vegetables and herbs.
Fruit Trees
Place bird netting over fruiting trees. Netting comes in white or black.
Net and Protect your No Dig Garden

Netting a small garden stops the wildlife enjoying your dinner.

As elaborate or as simple as you need.